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11 Sep — 18 Sep1
1 adult
Wed 11/9

Paris Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Paris
Paris Ministère Des Finances P.O.P.B.Paris, 48.84074, 2.3785
Paris Coupvray Marne-la-Vallée - ChessyParis, 48.871815, 2.797313
Paris Pereire/Rue de SaussureParis, 48.887836, 2.310709
Paris Jouffroy d'Abbans/TocquevilleParis, 48.886166, 2.3103452
Paris Réaumur-SébastopolParis, 48.865693, 2.352379
Paris Rue du Faubourg Saint-MartinParis, 48.87193, 2.357316

Dublin Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Dublin
Dublin Leeson Street LowerDublin, 53.3349, -6.25574
Dublin Newlands Cross, Stop 2176Dublin, 53.31377, -6.388125
Dublin Beckett Bridge, Stop 100431Dublin, 53.34777, -6.242343
Dublin Gardiner Street Upr, Stop 1175Dublin, 53.35858, -6.261022
Dublin Connolly HospitalDublin, 53.38802, -6.370786
Dublin St. Helen'sDublin, 53.304, -6.20491

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Paris to Dublin

How far is Paris to Dublin by bus?

The straight-line distance from Paris to Dublin is 484.4 mi. The actual distance by bus will change based on the roads and any traffic, closures, roadwork or tolls that may impact the driver’s route.

More bus options to Dublin

Besides Paris there are other cities with transportation to Dublin. See below for more options.
Buses to Dublin from London
Fastest travel time12h 15m
Cheapest price£100

Other popular bus routes from Paris

Change your mind about taking a bus to Dublin? Below are other buses from Paris that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Paris to London
Fastest travel time6h 40m
Cheapest price£55
Buses from Paris to Birmingham
Fastest travel time10h 40m
Cheapest price£66
Buses from Paris to Lyon
Fastest travel time5h 25m
Cheapest price£90
Buses from Paris to Bordeaux
Fastest travel time6h 40m
Cheapest price£97
Buses from Paris to Liverpool
Fastest travel time15h 15m
Cheapest price£75
Buses from Paris to Marseille
Fastest travel time9h 55m
Cheapest price£105
Buses from Paris to Madrid
Fastest travel time16h 20m
Cheapest price£131
Buses from Paris to Brussels
Fastest travel time3h 40m
Cheapest price£21
Buses from Paris to Zurich
Fastest travel time9h 30m
Cheapest price£123

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