From £6
Bus - Operated by ItabusFrom £6
Bus - Operated by FlixBusFrom £6
Bus - Operated by FlixBusFrom £6
Bus - Operated by ItabusFrom £6
Bus - Operated by FlixBusFrom £6
Bus - Operated by ItabusReturn-trip from | £10 |
One-way from | £6 |
Popular station | Rome Anagnina |
Popular coach line | Itabus |
When you are travelling on Rome buses, you may have access to WiFi depending on the bus service you use. Bus services like MarinoBus and Flixbus offer WiFi as part of their services. Do keep in mind that even if you are using a bus service that offers WiFi, there is a chance it may not be working at that particular time and so you cannot be guaranteed access. For long-distance travel, some bus services offer charging points for your devices. FlixBus promises toilets on all their buses; however, they do not have running water, so be mindful to pack some hand-sanitiser to clean your hands once you are done. On certain Rome buses, there are snacks and drinks offered for a small price; make sure your Rome bus offers these services before you begin your journey.
Before boarding Rome buses, please make sure you have a form of legal identification with your picture on it, as well as your ticket. Most Rome bus services now accept digital copies of tickets, so it is not essential to print it; however, some Rome bus services do need you to verify your ticket with a stamp or signature. You’ll be informed by the company you purchase your cheap Rome bus tickets from if this is the case. For some journeys, there are no snacks or drinks available, so if you are travelling for a while, it is a good idea to pack something to eat and a reusable water bottle, just so you are not stuck thirsty and hungry during your Rome bus trip.
If you are travelling using a Rome bus service, then you do not have to worry about knowing the directions for where you plan to go. You also can get cheap Rome bus tickets quite easily; bus prices are generally very reasonable. Beyond that, you can also travel without having to worry about being awake or concentrating on where you are going. This is particularly useful if you are a tourist in Rome, since you may not be able to speak the language and may struggle to read signs on the road. You can also travel while being entertained if you are using your phone, meaning you can travel while watching your favourite shows or videos on the internet.
Depending on your location, there are a few options to get to bus stations in Rome. The city is pedestrian friendly, so if you are not too far from the bus station you need to go to, then you can simply walk. There is also the city’s tram system, which offers a low-cost way to get around Rome, or you can use a rideshare app of your choice to get you to your Rome bus station. Beyond that, there are also taxis available.
Depending on which Rome bus services you use, there are different options available; generally, however, you can expect to have one carry-on bag and one bag you check-in before your journey begins. In general, your carry-on can weigh a maximum of 15.4 lb and be 16.5 inches tall 11.8 inches wide with a depth of 7 inches. Your check-in bag can usually weigh a maximum of 44 lb and be 31.5 inches tall 19.6 inches wide with a depth of 11.8 inches. If you need to travel with more luggage than that, you do have the option of paying for more. Prices depend on which Rome bus service you use.
The ticket price can vary depending on general demand and more importantly where you’re coming from. If you’re leaving from a popular departure point like Paris for instance, prices usually start around £181. Venice and Frankfurt am Main are other options, with prices usually starting from around £6 and £130 respectively.
Rome is best served by Rome Anagnina. There you’ll find a number of buses that can get you to your destination. Some common major cities you can get to by bus from Rome Anagnina are Venice, Munich, and Paris.
Travellers going to Rome usually compare options from Itabus, FlixBus, and Fiumicino Express on our website, as they tend to be very common options. You can use our search form to find great options to Rome.
For £7 one-way on average, you can catch a bus ride to Rome. Overall, prices are generally stable for the next 3 months or so. It’s generally a good idea to book early to make sure you can get on the coach for the correct departure time.