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Momondo A/S is a public limited company under Danish law with headquarters in Copenhagen
Mailing address
Farvergade 10, 1 DK-1463 Copenhagen K Denmark
+45 33378080
Momondo A/S is registered in the Danish commercial register under CVR no. 20181397.
VAT identification number: DK 20181397.
Momondo A/S Farvergade 10, 1 DK-1463 Copenhagen K Danmark
Company registration Denmark, CVR 20181397
We are not a travel agency, and we don’t sell tickets. If you have questions concerning a booking, please contact the travel agency or airline company
Information pursuant to Art. 11 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1150
We can provide following information on the functioning and effectiveness of our internal complaint-handling system under Regulation (EU) 2019/1150:
Total number of complaints lodged: 0
Main type of complaints: N/A
Average time to process and resolve complaints: N/A
Outcome of complaints on an aggregated basis: N/A
Last Updated: January 2024.
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