From £13
Train - Operated by TrenitaliaFrom £13
Train - Operated by TrenitaliaFrom £14
Train - Operated by ItalotrenoFrom £14
Train - Operated by TrenitaliaFrom £15
Train - Operated by TrenitaliaFrom £15
Train - Operated by TrenitaliaRETURN FROM | £17 |
ONE-WAY FROM | £16 |
POPULAR STATION | Bologna Centrale |
The average price you’ll pay to travel by train to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi will be determined by where you’re coming from. If you’re leaving from Milan the lowest ticket price is usually about £116, from Rome it’s about £50 and from Venice it’s around £93.
You’ll find most people use Bologna Centrale in Bologna Guglielmo Marconi. It’s one of the busiest and most populated stations in the area. Venice, Milan, and Florence are some of the major cities accessible by train from Bologna Centrale.
Bologna Guglielmo Marconi is serviced by some of the leading coach companies. Keep in mind that your options may vary by the city you’re departing from. However, our data also shows that Trenitalia, Italotreno, and Train were frequently booked by travellers.
£16 is the average one-way price to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi this week. We don’t predict any changes in price within the next 3 months. We recommend booking when you can, as seats may be limited.
Bologna Centrale station is 3.3 mi from Bologna Guglielmo Marconi, Bologna San Ruffillo station is 6.5 mi from Bologna Guglielmo Marconi, and Bologna Borgo Panigale station is 1.4 mi from Bologna Guglielmo Marconi.
To get to Bologna Guglielmo Marconi's popular Bologna Central Station or Bologna City Centre from Bologna Centrale, it is 0.1 mi or 0.8 mi, respectively.