RETURN FROM | £1,025 |
AVG TRAVEL TIME | 4h 39m |
The quickest train available from Exeter will take 4h 39m to arrive in Leeds/Bradford. Check AccesRail if you need to get to your destination as quickly as possible.
AccesRail are viable options. Check times and availability for AccesRail, as it was recently the cheapest train available traveling from Exeter to Leeds/Bradford from £1,025 round-trip.
While Leeds/Bradford is 228.6 mi away from Exeter, the distance by train is longer depending on the route. The train usually takes 4h 39m in normal conditions.
We’ve found that taking a bus from Exeter to Leeds with National Express is more time-efficient when based simply on travel duration. A flight from Exeter to Leeds or a train from Exeter to Leeds can take you longer than a 8h 30m bus.
Expect a bus to be one of the cheapest options available to you for travel. Currently, a bus has deals available from £36. While they may not be the most cost-effective options currently available a flight from Exeter to Leeds or a train from Exeter to Leeds can also be options worth looking into if other factors outside of cost are a higher priority.