From £21
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £26
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £29
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £43
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £43
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £125
Train - Operated by SNCFRETURN FROM | £44 |
ONE-WAY FROM | £27 |
AVG TRAVEL TIME | 3h 51m |
A ticket from Toulouse Blagnac to Marseille for this week starts from £33 one-way. How much you’ll pay for a train on average this month is £56 one-way. Keep in mind that the ticket price is generally dependent on when you book, the desired route, and class.
The most time-efficient journey by train from Toulouse Blagnac to Marseille currently available is 3h 49m. Your arrival can differ by about 0h 02m. This largely depends on whether your train ride includes stops or a direct route from Toulouse Blagnac to Marseille. Consider SNCF for the quickest available option to your destination.
Currently, the price you pay to get from Toulouse Blagnac to Marseille by train this week is around £56 one-way. We don’t expect to see any changes in price within the next 3 months.
You can find train tickets for SNCF which service this route currently. SNCF is the cheapest option recently available with prices starting at £44 for a return ticket.
The straight-line distance from Toulouse Blagnac to Marseille is 198.2 mi, but the actual distance you’ll travel by train depends on the route taken. Most trains from Toulouse Blagnac to Marseille will get there in 3h 49m.