From £12
Bus - Operated by FlixBusFrom £15
Bus - Operated by MegabusFrom £15
Bus - Operated by National ExpressFrom £15
Bus - Operated by Scottish CitylinkFrom £16
Bus - Operated by FlixBusFrom £16
Bus - Operated by FlixBusReturn-trip from | £26 |
One-way from | £12 |
Popular coach line | FlixBus |
A ticket from Edinburgh Turnhouse to Manchester for this week starts from £15 one-way.
You can find bus tickets for FlixBus, Megabus, and National Express which service this route currently. FlixBus is the cheapest option recently available with prices starting at £34 round-trip.
A bus from Edinburgh Turnhouse to Manchester will travel much more than the 174.8 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, which can change based on traffic, tolls and closures.
27lb is the average footprint of a bus from Edinburgh Turnhouse to Manchester. This is 90% less in comparison to flying, which has a footprint of around 273lb for this trip. Trains to Manchester from Edinburgh Turnhouse have a footprint in the region of 43lb.
At 3h 14m, choosing to opt for a train from Edinburgh to Manchester for this trip as opposed to a flight from Edinburgh to Manchester or a bus from Edinburgh to Manchester can save you time on travel.
Expect a bus to be one of the cheapest options available to you for travel. Currently, a bus has deals available from £26. While they may not be the most cost-effective options currently available a flight from Edinburgh to Manchester or a train from Edinburgh to Manchester can also be options worth looking into if other factors outside of cost are a higher priority.