From £6
Bus - Operated by National ExpressFrom £8
Bus - Operated by MegabusFrom £8
Bus - Operated by MegabusFrom £9
Bus - Operated by FlixBusFrom £9
Bus - Operated by MegabusFrom £9
Bus - Operated by MegabusReturn-trip from | £12 |
One-way from | £6 |
Avg travel time | 4h 14m |
Popular coach line | National Express |
Using momondo to find bus tickets from London to Leeds/Bradford, our users have found prices starting from £10 one-way for this week. How much you’ll pay for a bus on average this month is £12 one-way. Keep in mind that the ticket price is generally dependent on when you book, the desired route, and class.
4h 10m is the fastest available option for travel to Leeds/Bradford from London by bus. Your arrival can differ by about 0h 04m. This largely depends on whether your bus ride includes stops or is a direct route from London to Leeds/Bradford. Megabus is one of the fastest options available.
The cost of booking a bus from London to Leeds/Bradford is around £12 one-way. You can expect the price to be consistent throughout the next 3 months.
You can find bus tickets for National Express, FlixBus, and Megabus which service this route currently. National Express is the cheapest option recently available with prices starting at £16 round-trip.
A bus from London to Leeds/Bradford will travel much more than the 169.6 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, which can change based on traffic, tolls and closures. In terms of time, 4h 10m by bus is reasonable for normal traffic levels.
To save time, the fastest way to travel is by train from London to Leeds on AccesRail. Expect the length of time you’ll spend onboard AccesRail to be about 2h 13m compared to taking a flight from London to Leeds or a bus from London to Leeds which have been found to be slower alternatives.
Expect a bus to be one of the cheapest options available to you for travel. Currently, a bus has deals available from £12. While they may not be the most cost-effective options currently available a flight from London to Leeds or a train from London to Leeds can also be options worth looking into if other factors outside of cost are a higher priority.