From £25
Bus - Operated by ALSAFrom £25
Bus - Operated by rede expressosFrom £25
Bus - Operated by rede expressosFrom £25
Bus - Operated by ALSAFrom £25
Bus - Operated by BlaBlaBusFrom £25
Bus - Operated by BlaBlaBusReturn-trip from | £48 |
One-way from | £25 |
Popular coach line | ALSA |
If you need a bus from Paris to Barcelona-El Prat for this week you can find options from £32 one-way. At £32 on average, one-way bus tickets from Paris to Barcelona-El Prat are best booked early to save more on your trip.
Currently, the price you pay to get from Paris to Barcelona-El Prat by bus this week is around £32 one-way. We don’t expect to see any changes in price within the next 3 months.
Ride to your destination comfortably on ALSA, rede expressos, and BlaBlaBus. Consider ALSA as it’s been found as the cheapest option to get from Paris to Barcelona-El Prat starting at £62.
There’s 522.3 mi from Paris to Barcelona-El Prat. The distance via bus depends on which roads the driver takes - this can change mid-journey.
Getting a bus from Paris to Barcelona-El Prat has a carbon footprint of 76lb, on average. Compared to flying (486lb), your footprint by bus is about 85% less. Emissions by train between Paris and Barcelona-El Prat are around 121lb.
Based on just travel duration our users have found a flight from Paris to Barcelona-El Prat Airport to be the fastest option to their destination at just 1h 35m. If travel time is less of a concern you may want to look into booking some alternative forms of transportation like a train from Paris to Barcelona-El Prat Airport or a bus from Paris to Barcelona-El Prat Airport.
A flight from Paris to Barcelona-El Prat Airport is currently going to be the least expensive option currently available. You can also find deals for a train from Paris to Barcelona-El Prat Airport starting at £97, or consider a bus from Paris to Barcelona-El Prat Airport starting at £48. Both of these alternative options are worth considering when looking to reach your destination.