RETURN FROM | £156 |
AVG TRAVEL TIME | 2h 27m |
TRAIN COMPANIES | Cross Country, Great Western Railway |
The quickest train available from Birmingham will take 2h 27m to arrive in Exeter. Cross Country has the quickest available train to your destination.
Cross Country and Great Western Railway are viable options. Check times and availability for Cross Country, as it was recently the cheapest train available traveling from Birmingham to Exeter from £156 round-trip.
The straight-line distance from Birmingham to Exeter is 140.5 mi, but the actual distance you’ll travel by train depends on the route taken. The train usually takes 2h 27m in normal conditions.
To save time, the fastest way to travel is by train from Birmingham to Exeter on Cross Country. Expect the length of time you’ll spend onboard Cross Country to be about 2h 32m compared to taking a flight from Birmingham to Exeter or a bus from Birmingham to Exeter which have been found to be slower alternatives.
The cheapest way is to get a bus from Birmingham to Exeter, which can be as cheap as £22. A flight from Birmingham to Exeter is more expensive than a bus, with prices starting at £305. A train from Birmingham to Exeter is also an option, with an average price of £121.