RETURN FROM | £375 |
AVG TRAVEL TIME | 4h 47m |
4h 47m is the fastest available option to arrive in Exeter from Leeds/Bradford by train. Take the AccesRail train from Leeds/Bradford and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.
AccesRail are viable options. Check times and availability for AccesRail, as it was recently the cheapest train available traveling from Leeds/Bradford to Exeter from £375 round-trip.
While Exeter is 228.6 mi away from Leeds/Bradford, the distance by train is longer depending on the route. The train usually takes 4h 47m in normal conditions.
Taking a bus to your destination is the cheapest option we’ve found in the past few days. The cheapest price we’ve found for this option is £36, making it less expensive than a flight from Leeds to Exeter and cheaper than a train from Leeds to Exeter.