From £591
Train - Operated by AccesRailFrom £591
Train - Operated by AccesRailFrom £632
Train - Operated by AccesRailFrom £632
Train - Operated by AccesRailFrom £649
Train - Operated by AccesRailFrom £649
Train - Operated by AccesRailRETURN FROM | £291 |
ONE-WAY FROM | £764 |
AVG TRAVEL TIME | 1h 14m |
Arrive at your destination quickly by taking a 1h 14m train from Bristol to Birmingham. Take the AccesRail train from Bristol and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.
There is a train travelling between Bristol and Birmingham which is AccesRail and currently our only available option.. The cheapest AccesRail is what we have recently available with prices starting at £291 for a return ticket.
Bristol and Birmingham are 76.8 mi apart from one another, but the actual distance by train depends on the route taken. The train journey is around 1h 14m long.
At 2h 00m, choosing to opt for a bus from Bristol to Birmingham for this trip as opposed to a flight from Bristol to Birmingham or a train from Bristol to Birmingham can save you time on travel.
Expect a bus to be one of the cheapest options available to you for travel. Currently, a bus has deals available from £12. While they may not be the most cost-effective options currently available a flight from Bristol to Birmingham or a train from Bristol to Birmingham can also be options worth looking into if other factors outside of cost are a higher priority.