From £39
Train - Operated by LumoFrom £39
Train - Operated by LumoFrom £43
Train - Operated by LumoFrom £43
Train - Operated by LumoFrom £46
Train - Operated by LumoFrom £46
Train - Operated by LumoRETURN FROM | £231 |
ONE-WAY FROM | £50 |
AVG TRAVEL TIME | 4h 30m |
TRAIN COMPANIES | Lumo, AccesRail |
A ticket from London to Edinburgh Turnhouse for this week starts from £56 one-way. How much you’ll pay for a train on average this month is £65 one-way. Keep in mind that the ticket price is generally dependent on when you book, the desired route, and class.
It takes 4h 17m to get from London to Edinburgh Turnhouse by train. Travel time typically varies by up to 0h 13m, depending on your train details. AccesRail is one of the fastest options available.
The cost of a train from London to Edinburgh Turnhouse is about £65 one-way this week. Our data shows that prices are fairly stable throughout the next 3 months. You can book now to make sure your seat is secured.
Ride to your destination comfortably on Lumo and AccesRail. Consider Lumo as it’s been found as the cheapest option to get from London to Edinburgh Turnhouse starting at £231.
The distance between London and Edinburgh Turnhouse is about 332.0 mi in a straight line. The train route will be significantly longer to account for any stops and obstacles. The train journey is around 4h 17m long.
Travelling from London to Edinburgh Turnhouse by train has a carbon footprint of about 74lb. The train has a smaller footprint by about 74% compared to flying this route (285lb). The carbon footprint by bus can vary, but is around 46lb.
To save time, the fastest way to travel is by flight from London to Edinburgh on easyJet. Expect the length of time you’ll spend onboard easyJet to be about 1h 15m compared to taking a train from London to Edinburgh or a bus from London to Edinburgh which have been found to be slower alternatives.
The cheapest way is to get a bus from London to Edinburgh, which can be as cheap as £30. A flight from London to Edinburgh is more expensive than a bus, with prices starting at £30. A train from London to Edinburgh is also an option, with an average price of £179.