Return-trip from | £22 |
One-way from | £14 |
Avg travel time | 7h 35m |
Popular coach line | National Express |
The fastest journey time from Glasgow Intl to Birmingham is 7h 35m. Megabus is one of the fastest options available.
You can find bus tickets for National Express and Megabus which service this route currently. National Express is the cheapest option recently available with prices starting at £29 round-trip.
Glasgow Intl and Birmingham are 255.5 mi apart from one another. The actual distance travelled by bus depends on the route taken - roadwork or traffic often impact this and longer routes can change often. The bus takes 7h 35m, normally.
Buses from Glasgow Intl to Birmingham will generally run a carbon footprint of about 37lb. This is around 75% less than taking a plane (148lb). By train, carbon emissions are around 59lb.
The quickest way is to book a flight from Glasgow Intl Airport to Birmingham, which can be as quick as 1h 05m onboard easyJet. You can also get a train from Glasgow Intl Airport to Birmingham, or a bus from Glasgow Intl Airport to Birmingham which can take you longer to arrive at your destination.
Planning to book a bus from Glasgow Intl Airport to Birmingham can be a safe bet when looking for a low-cost deal to your destination. Currently, a flight and a train are priced higher than the cost of a bus. You can search prices for a flight from Glasgow Intl Airport starting at £39 to Birmingham or a train from Glasgow Intl Airport to Birmingham starting at £168 if that is your preferred method of transportation.