From £17
Bus - Operated by National ExpressFrom £22
Bus - Operated by National ExpressFrom £38
Bus - Operated by National ExpressFrom £39
Bus - Operated by National ExpressFrom £39
Bus - Operated by National ExpressFrom £39
Bus - Operated by National ExpressReturn-trip from | £28 |
One-way from | £17 |
Avg travel time | 5h 05m |
Popular coach line | FlixBus |
It takes 5h 05m to get from Glasgow Intl to Liverpool J. Lennon by bus. Take the FlixBus bus from Glasgow Intl and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.
FlixBus and National Express will take you from Glasgow Intl to Liverpool J. Lennon. FlixBus has been recently found as the cheapest option from £36 return.
The straight-line distance from Glasgow Intl to Liverpool J. Lennon is 179.5 mi. The actual distance by bus will change based on the roads and any traffic, closures, roadwork or tolls that may impact the driver’s route. The bus takes 5h 05m, normally.
The quickest way is to book a flight from Glasgow Intl Airport to Liverpool, which can be as quick as 3h 30m onboard Ryanair. You can also get a train from Glasgow Intl Airport to Liverpool, or a bus from Glasgow Intl Airport to Liverpool which can take you longer to arrive at your destination.
The cheapest way is to get a bus from Glasgow Intl Airport to Liverpool, which can be as cheap as £28. A flight from Glasgow Intl Airport to Liverpool is more expensive than a bus, with prices starting at £120. A train from Glasgow Intl Airport to Liverpool is also an option, with an average price of £105.