From £5
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £9
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £9
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £9
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £9
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £9
Train - Operated by SNCFRETURN FROM | £22 |
AVG TRAVEL TIME | 1h 58m |
If you need a train from Paris to Lyon-Saint Exupéry for this week you can find options from £6 one-way. The cost of your ticket may vary depending on when you book, so we recommend you plan early. £34 is what you can expect to pay for a train ride from Paris to Lyon-Saint Exupéry one-way.
The quickest train available from Paris will take 1h 56m to arrive in Lyon-Saint Exupéry. For this route, you may experience slight differences in travel time depending on the train you book. Look for direct options when searching if possible. Check SNCF if you need to get to your destination as quickly as possible.
SNCF are viable options. Check times and availability for SNCF, as it was recently the cheapest train available traveling from Paris to Lyon-Saint Exupéry from £22 round-trip.
The distance between Paris and Lyon-Saint Exupéry is about 243.7 mi in a straight line. The train route will be significantly longer to account for any stops and obstacles. Most trains from Paris to Lyon-Saint Exupéry will get there in 1h 56m.
Taking a train to Lyon-Saint Exupéry from Paris has a carbon footprint of 58lb, on average. This is 57% less than taking an airplane for this journey (135lb). Taking a bus instead of a train would change your carbon footprint to about 37lb.
Planning to book a train from Paris to Lyon can be a safe bet when looking for a low-cost deal to your destination. Currently, a flight and a bus are priced higher than the cost of a train. You can search prices for a flight from Paris starting at £101 to Lyon or a bus from Paris to Lyon starting at £17 if that is your preferred method of transportation.