From £16
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £16
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £16
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £16
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £16
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom £16
Train - Operated by SNCFRETURN FROM | £44 |
ONE-WAY FROM | £21 |
AVG TRAVEL TIME | 5h 35m |
The most time-efficient journey by train from Paris to Nice Côte d'Azur currently available is 5h 34m. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 01m, depending on whether your train has stops or different departure times. SNCF has the quickest available train to your destination.
SNCF will take you from Paris to Nice Côte d'Azur. SNCF has been recently found as the cheapest option from £44 return.
The straight-line distance from Paris to Nice Côte d'Azur is 425.7 mi, but the actual distance you’ll travel by train depends on the route taken. In terms of time, a normal route is around 5h 34m.
Travelling from Paris to Nice Côte d'Azur by train has a carbon footprint of about 100lb. The train has a smaller footprint by about 75% compared to flying this route (404lb). Taking a bus instead of a train would change your carbon footprint to about 63lb.
The quickest way is to book a flight from Paris to Nice, which can be as quick as 1h 25m onboard easyJet. You can also get a train from Paris to Nice, or a bus from Paris to Nice which can take you longer to arrive at your destination.
Planning to book a train from Paris to Nice can be a safe bet when looking for a low-cost deal to your destination. Currently, a flight and a bus are priced higher than the cost of a train. You can search prices for a flight from Paris starting at £62 to Nice or a bus from Paris to Nice starting at £53 if that is your preferred method of transportation.