Yes, SAUDIA currently has 35 flights out of London Heathrow per week.
SAUDIA flies 366 different routes (266 international and 100 domestic) on a yearly basis. You can find SAUDIA flights to 35 different countries. Based on our data, London is the most popular domestic destination and flying to Jeddah is the most popular international destination.
Jeddah King Abdulaziz Intl, Riyadh King Khaled Intl, and Dammam King Fahad Intl are the most popular airports SAUDIA uses on a routine basis throughout the year.
To check the flight status of SAUDIA, you can give them a call at 03712004433 or visit their website at Or, you can use our on-page Flight Tracker that provides you with real-time SAUDIA flight information, including terminal and gate number, arrival and departure times, and flight status.
The cheapest domestic return SAUDIA flight is from Dammam King Fahad Intl to Riyadh King Khaled Intl. This route is £75 per ticket and has 0 stops. Flying from Dawadmi to Riyadh King Khaled Intl is the cheapest one-way domestic flight with SAUDIA. This flight costs £35 per ticket and has 0 stops.
Kuwait City to Riyadh King Khaled Intl and back with 0 stops for £77 per ticket is the cheapest return international flight we could find from SAUDIA. The cheapest SAUDIA international flight we could find was flying from Kuwait City to Riyadh King Khaled Intl. This is a one-way flight for £48 and has 1 stop.